Easy Ways to Impress at an Interview


Every once in a while, I meet a job candidate who swears they love interviewing. Extreme introverts tend to fall into this camp. They love talking to people and feel confident in their ability to present themselves well, so the interview process isn’t a stressful one for them – it is actually fun and enjoyable.

For most people, though, there is at least some level of anxiety involved in interviewing for a job. Even for job seekers who are otherwise confident in their abilities, it can be scary to put yourself in front of a hiring manager for judgment and consideration. Especially when you really need that job.

Practice and preparation is key. The more you practice your interview skills, the better prepared you will be for any question that may come your way. But beyond that, there are a few things literally every single job seeker can do to improve their chances at an interview. These don’t require you to drastically change your personality or join Toastmasters to improve upon your public speaking – they just involve thinking ahead, and implementing a few simple tactics to garner the attention of the hiring manager in front of you.

Dress To Fit In

Everyone knows you should dress nicely for an interview, but what most people may not realize is that what constitutes as “nice” may vary from corporation to corporation. Finding candidates who can fit into the corporate culture is becoming more important to hiring managers every day, with a focus on building companies people actually want to work for and teams that are productive as a byproduct of their ability to work together.

So what does that mean for you, as the interviewee? Well, it means that taking some time to learn about that corporate culture could help you to pick out that interview day outfit.

Consider visiting the corporation prior to your interview and paying attention to how current employees are dressed on any given day. Do most of them seem pretty decked out, or are jeans and button downs more commonplace? Does this seem like a trendy company to work for, based on the attire of their employees, or do they appear to veer more towards the conservative in work apparel?

Once you’ve made your observations, you can begin to select your own interview outfit. Strive to dress a step or two above what you witnessed (avoid actually wearing jeans to an interview, even if that was all you saw anyone else in) without overreaching (wearing a three-piece suit to that casual office, for instance, would be overkill). You still want to look nice, and as though you have taken this interview seriously, but you don’t want to appear to be so stuffy that you wouldn’t actually fit in.

Show Up Early

It is always better to be early for an interview than late. So strive to show up 15 minutes ahead of your interview time, check in at the front desk, and then wait patiently where you are instructed. Consider bringing a book along with you – one that might spark a conversation with the interviewer, and that you can actually provide commentary on. People almost instinctively ask, “What are you reading,” when they begin interacting with someone who has a book in their hands. This opens the door for a true connection with the interviewer, as opposed to being caught staring at your phone when you are called back.

Know the Company

Spend some time researching the company, looking into recent press releases and innovative new programs they are launching. If you can bring these things up in an interview, and comment on why you see them to be so exciting and how they increase your desire to be a part of the company, you will be showing the interviewer that your passion and excitement is actually about this job – not just any job you can get.

Bouncing Back From a Layoff


We keep hearing that the economy has bounced back. That unemployment rates are down and companies are thriving once more. And for the most part, this is all true – we are certainly better off today than we were seven years ago. But that doesn’t mean some companies aren’t still struggling, or that layoffs aren’t still happening. Because they are, and if you are reading here now – you have very likely been a recent victim of a round of layoffs at your own company.

Perhaps you’ve worked for the same people for 20 years. Or maybe it was a relatively new job and you hadn’t quite found your niche yet. Either way, getting laid off is a shock to the senses for everyone. And there is typically a bit of a grieving process that accompanies losing a job through no fault of your own.

It can be tempting to ride out that severance package and enjoy a little time off, allowing yourself to work through the grieving, while also taking advantage of days that aren’t dictated by a work schedule. But the longer you remain unemployed – the harder that gap on your resume can be to explain, and the more difficult it becomes to get hiring managers to take you seriously. They say the best time to look for a new job is while you are still employed. But short of that – you should be looking as close to your layoff date as possible. You need to strike while the iron is hot and get proactive about the job search today, if you hope to bounce back and come out ahead.

Reach Out to Your Network

You have been networking all these years for exactly this type of occasion. You’ve made connections in the industry, done favors for others in the past and created an environment where people know you and like working with you. Take advantage of that! Reach out to your network and let them know about the recent layoffs at your company. Then ask them to let you know if they hear about any openings at the companies they work for, or anywhere else for that matter. Make your job search known, and don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations and referrals.

Connect with an Industry Recruiter

Depending on the industry you work in, you may find that your best bet is working with a recruiter who is already aligned with some of the top companies. Many organizations today are utilizing recruiters to put them in touch with the best candidates, and these recruiters are paid specifically for connecting you with those organizations – so if you can market yourself to them as a valuable candidate, they can ensure you are at the front of the line for upcoming opportunities.

Get Busy

Don’t just sit around, soaking up all this free time you now have. Yes, the idea of sleeping in and focusing only on the job search is tempting – but it can also create a rut you fall into fairly quickly. Instead, work to get up at the same time every day as you would have for your old job. Then, find things to do with those extra hours. Create a schedule and stick to it, including activities like working out, volunteering and job searching every day. Getting out, active and busy will keep you in the right frame of mind, and it may also create opportunities for you to network with people who could help you get a foot in the door at your dream company.

Consider Career Coaching

Maybe this recent layoff has you reconsidering the path you have been on. Perhaps the job you lost wasn’t ever really your dream job, or maybe you aren’t where you thought you would be at this point. A career coach can help you to reconsider your options, and to figure out which direction to go from here. It could be that this layoff is a blessing in disguise – and that the next step in your career will be one you will find true fulfillment in.

Nailing an Interview Presentation


It used to be you would apply for a job, get a call about an interview, and then know within a week or two if you landed it. The output wasn’t much on your part. You had to pick out the right clothes and put your best foot forward at the actual interview, but from there – you either had it or you didn’t. Today, the interview process can be much more extensive than that. There are rounds, and various people to meet. You might start with a phone screening, followed up by an in person interview with HR, then interviews with varying levels of leadership, all the way to the top. This entire process can take weeks, or months, and with an increasing rate of frequency (for executive leadership positions, especially), it also includes you making a presentation at some point. That’s right. A presentation for a job you don’t even have yet. But don’t look at this as a reason to freak out. The beauty of a interview presentation is that you have plenty of time to prepare, and if you use that prep time well – you can absolutely spin this into a way to shine.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Make sure you have all the details up front. Ask about the topic you will be presenting on, the preferred length of your presentation, and who you will be presenting to – supervisors you need to sell on an idea, or colleagues you need to explain a product to. These are details that could absolutely affect how you structure your presentation, and preparing yourself up front is the best way to ensure you create something that truly shines. Also be sure to ask what technology will be available to you during the presentation and if there are any further specifications the hiring team would like you to adhere to.

Stick to a Defined Structure

You may be a confident public speaker, but this is not one of those times when you should plan on winging it. Instead, create a presentation that has a defined flow, and then plan on sticking to that. Type out most of what you want to say as well. While you will want to avoid reading from notes the entire time, having it written from the start gives you plenty of time to practice and memorize – while also allowing you to ensure you are remaining within the time limits given by the hiring team.

Know Your Tools

PowerPoint is far from the only game in presentations nowadays, but it is important that no matter what program you choose – you know how to operate it and are confident you can shine within its confines. Still, don’t make the mistake of relying entirely on your presentation tools to do the work for you. Remember, they are just tools – you should remain the focal point. Make eye contact and strive to be engaging. Your audience should be paying far more attention to you than your slides.

Prepare for Follow Up Questions

Follow up questions are standard for most presentations anyway, but this is especially true for interview presentations – where you are being compared to other candidates in relation to a specific job opening. Don’t allow yourself to be thrown by these questions, and try to consider what may be asked ahead of time, so that you can prepare answers early on. The key is to know your content, though. As long as you take the time to truly research the topic you are presenting on, you should be prepared when it comes time for questions.

Practice and Then Practice Some More

The number one way to ensure you nail your interview presentation is to practice far beyond what you might think should be necessary. Use friends and family members as your guinea pigs, and rely on them to point out holes in your presentation. Practice in front of your mirror in the morning. Practice your “stage presence”, paying attention to how often you move and what you do with your hands at various points in the presentation. Utilize your tools again and again, and keep practicing until the entire thing seems like second nature to you. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will be – and that will show on the day of your interview presentation!

Formatting Your Resume for the Job You Want


I’m going to let you in on a little secret: no one enjoys working on their resume. It’s a boring task to take on, and requires a lot of focus on selling yourself on paper – which isn’t something that comes naturally to most people. You want to know an even bigger secret? Nobody enjoys reading resumes either. Okay, so maybe that’s not a secret. In fact, you probably already knew it. But knowing that most hiring managers loathe this part of their job, and understanding the statistics that point to how little time they actually spend looking at specific resumes before making a decision (studies pinpoint anywhere from 8 to 30 seconds) is not an excuse to take a lazy approach with your resume. In fact, it’s even more reason for your resume to be perfect – you want something formatted to catch a hiring manager’s eye in those brief few seconds you have their attention. That’s right: formatting matters. What a lot of people may not realize is that there are three main ways to format a resume, and the format you choose should absolutely take into consideration the job you are applying for and the skills you have to offer.


A chronological resume is the standard format you probably learned from your high school guidance counselor. It involves listing out your previous employment in a reverse chronological format at the top of your resume, ending off with things like education and awards received. Under each job, you might also list some of the duties you fulfilled in that role. You would want to use this resume format if you were applying for a job in the same field you have always worked in, as your previous job titles likely serve as proof of your experience and background.

Functional & Skills Based

If, however, you are looking to make a job change or have had a gap in your employment history, a functional/skills resume may be the way to go. This resume format starts by listing out your skills, and sometimes applicable experience, rather than your previous job titles. Depending on the job you are applying for, you might divide those details up into two or three specific skill sets, listing out previous applicable experience you have had under each of those headers. This is a way of highlighting what you are capable of, above what your previous titles have been. It is a good way to show hiring managers that you have what it takes to do the job, even if your previous job history doesn’t automatically make that clear. An example might be if you were applying for a job in sales and had only previously worked in clerical positions. Instead of listing out your job titles, you could list out the skills and experience you had that might be applicable to a sales job – focusing on your customer service skill-sets.


A combination resume is basically just a hybrid of the chronological and functional resume formats. You would start by listing out those skills and focusing on what you are capable of, ending with a basic reverse chronological listing of your previous job titles and companies you have worked with. In this resume format, you would preserve your actual experience for the skills section, and leave the job titles list to just that – a simple list of previous job titles, without further delving into what each of those jobs entailed. This might be the right resume to use if you are hoping to advance in your career and want to highlight your capabilities, but also see your previous moves up the ladder in your field as being proof of your experience in the industry.

Pursuing a Writing Career and Finding Success

Career Objectives







As a career coach, I work with people who have dreams and aspirations that fall into nearly every category. I also work with a lot of people who fear their dreams and aspirations are not attainable – and so they fall into careers that are just jobs, focused solely on paying the bills as they allow those dreams of theirs to wilt and fall away.

This is perhaps never more true than for those who secretly (or not so secretly) harbor a dream of writing for a living.

Did your ears just perk up, as you realized I am talking directly to you? The good news is: writing for a living is not an impossible dream. Particularly in today’s climate, where self-publishing is a growing venture and blogs are becoming money making platforms. But you have to be smart about harnessing that talent of yours and turning it into a career. Here’s how:


Walk Before You Run

There are so many different schools of thought when it comes to pursuing a dream, but in terms of writing for a living – quitting your day job and diving in headfirst probably isn’t the best way to go. Yes, you can and should pursue your dreams. Absolutely! But if that dream is writing, you need to recognize that establishing yourself, building a reputation and acquiring long-standing clients (or finishing and polishing that novel) take time. You need to have a steady stream of income while you work towards that dream, otherwise you are likely going to fall flat on your face. So take the leap by committing to this dream (starting a blog and working to bring in freelance work) but not by throwing in the towel on everything else right away. Know that it can take years to get where you want to be, and be willing to spend the time necessary to get there.


Expand Your Vision

Perhaps you imagine writing for a living to entail penning novels on the deck of your very own lake house. That is certainly a dream to aspire to, but don’t limit your hopes of writing to just that. In the meantime, recognize that there are plenty of career opportunities that will allow you to flex your writing muscle, even if not in the creative capacity you yearn for. Plenty of companies and industries require technical writers, and most organizations can use a strong writer on their Human Resources team – for company memos and training programs. Sure, these may not sound like what you always dreamed of, but they can be a step in the right direction towards calling yourself a writer. Consider checking out TheLadders.com. As a comprehensive career resource for professionals, they take pride in being able to assist any demographic with their career, no matter what the field. Which means they have the resources to help you parlay your writing skills into an actual career while you work on that novel on the side.


Thicken Up Your Skin

It’s important to understand that writing is a field filled with rejection. Not everyone will like what you have to say or how you say it. In fact, you will face rejection far more often in this field than you will praise – especially in the beginning. If you let those doors in your face convince you that you aren’t meant to succeed in this career, than you won’t. So toughen up and learn to believe in yourself and your writing. You can always pursue writing courses and groups to help improve upon your craft, but don’t let the rejection get you down.


Don’t Lose Sight of What Matters

When pursuing a writing career, it is easy to get caught up in the dream. You start focusing all of your free time on the pursuit of that dream, and you forget about the other things in life you used to care about. This is normal, and that passion is something to embrace, but it isn’t a state of being to strive towards on any kind of long-term basis. Remember that the best writers tend to pull from real life, and those real life experiences and relationships are what will inspire and motivate you to be a better writer. So continue to live your life in addition to pursuing the dream; because you need the one in order to be successful at the other.



Weathering the Storm

stepping stones






The last 10 years have seen a lot of changes within the job market. 2008 marked an economic downturn that found far too many people without jobs, or afraid to leave jobs they hated for fear of being unable to find a new position.

While the economy has bounced back, there are still some industries, companies and geographical locations that are struggling, or that will in the years to come. Layoffs, pay freezes, and restructuring are far from being things of the past, and it is always possible you could be facing tough times in your current job.

Nobody wants to find themselves unemployed or awash amidst a terrible job situation. But how do you weather the storm and make it through those career struggles relatively unscathed?


Boost Morale

When a company is struggling, everyone working there feels the pain. Fears of being laid off can poison a work environment, making it difficult for everyone to perform at their best; which is, of course, especially unfortunate when a company clearly needs their employees working at 100 percent to get back to a successful place.

Employees who are able to push past that fear, and encourage others to do the same, can quickly become irreplaceable. You can be the company MVP by finding ways to boost morale around the office. Even just maintaining a positive attitude and being pleasant to be around during times of strife can make a difference. But if you are able to keep spirits high, especially when there are plenty of reasons for morale to be low, the difference you make won’t go unnoticed.


Be a Team Player

If you are hoping to avoid the next round of layoffs, one of the best things you can do is make yourself invaluable. Beat your deadlines, pay attention to detail, focus on producing quality work, and… be the team player your company needs you to be right now.

When companies are struggling, they tend to reduce down to a skeleton crew. Which means that some jobs aren’t getting done, and others are being done only superficially. It is during these times, especially, that you don’t want to be caught playing solitaire at your desk. Instead, capitalize upon any free time you may have by offering to help your co-workers and taking on extra tasks that need to be done. Genuine team players tend to hold on to their jobs longer when those layoffs come around, and their hard work and dedication is remembered when things start looking up and promotions become available again.


Hedge Your Bets

Yes, you want to remain loyal to your company and do what you can to help them stay afloat. But sometimes, you also have to be willing to recognize the writing on the wall. If things seem to be heading south, now is the time to brush up your resume and start reaching out to your networking connections.

It doesn’t mean you have to jump ship right away, but putting feelers out and remaining open to what else might be available could mean the difference between transitioning smoothly into a new role, and being left out in the cold. So don’t be afraid to keep an eye out for openings elsewhere, or to submit an application when something else worthwhile comes along. Just remember to be discreet about it when you do.

It is almost always easier to find a new job when you are currently employed – so don’t wait until you find that pink slip on your desk to start looking for new opportunities.


Requesting (and Getting) the Raise You Deserve

Australians looking for more pay







It used to be that raises were an annual thing – people could expect, at the very least, a company wide pay increase around annual review time every year. But when the economy tanked, so did that long-standing tradition of automatic raises. Now, plenty of companies will put off the raise question for as long as they can – waiting for employees to approach them with requests, rather than automatically making the adjustments.

This isn’t necessarily bad business. The previous methodology had people sometimes getting raises they didn’t deserve, simply because the company deemed it “time” to give everyone an increase. With an end to that, there are often more reserves available to give raises to people who truly deserve it – so long as they are willing and able to make a case for themselves.


Be Reasonable with Your Expectations

When trying to determine how much to ask for, know that you likely aren’t going to get a 20 percent increase, just because you ask for it. Keep your current salary in mind when thinking about how much more you hope to be making, and consider when the last time you received a raise was, as well. If you just got a pay increase six months ago, know that you are doing better than most people in the workforce right now – and ask yourself whether or not now is really the right time to be asking for more.


Do Your Research

Spend some time finding out what the average pay grade is for your position in your area. Plenty of sites make these searches simple for anyone to complete – and you can find out where you stand on the range compared to others doing your same job nearby. This information could have the potential of being extremely beneficial when you make your case.


Keep a File

It is always a good idea to keep a list of your accomplishments nearby, even when you aren’t actively seeking a pay raise. You never know when such a file may come in handy, be it when you are applying for a move up within your company or when you are asking for more money. Keep a list of all accommodations and successful project completions in that file for you to reference back to when the time is right.


Make the Respectful Approach

There is a right and a wrong way to ask for a raise, and the wrong way would be to approach your boss casually in the break room and ask for more money there. Instead, you want to come at this discussion as professionally as possible. Send a meeting request to your supervisor, letting him or her know exactly what you are hoping to talk about. Show up the day of your meeting in your best work attire and have your case prepared for presentation – including the research you have done on average pay scales and your list of recent contributions and accomplishments.


Be Open to Alternatives

Time Magazine recently reported that two-thirds of people asking for a raise get at least some of the money they request. You certainly have the opportunity to come out of this discussion better than you entered into it, even if you don’t get the exact raise you are requesting. Don’t be so focused on that dream number that you stubbornly talk yourself out of what is being offered. Recognize that companies don’t always have the means to give you exactly what you are looking for, but they may be able to offer other benefits or rewards (such as an extra week of paid vacation) that could be just as appealing.



Networking Done Right








Network. Network. Network.

Everyone talks about networking, it’s advice you’ve received since back in your college days. Unfortunately, few people understand the art form that good networking truly is. The reality is, networking is only beneficial if you are actually good at it – and bad networking can do you more harm than good.

So what is networking done right? And how can you ensure you are getting the most out of those networking events on your calendar?


Don’t Just Talk About Business

Yes, business is what brought you all together, and it should absolutely be touched on. But true relationships, the kind where people actually want to help each other, aren’t formed on business alone. So don’t allow what is happening at the office to completely overtake your networking conversations – it is very possible the person sitting across from you has far more interesting topics to discuss.


Do Show an Interest

Just as in making friendships or having a successful first date, good networking requires you to show a genuine interest in the person you are talking to. Find out about their hobbies, shared connections you may have, and remember the names of their spouses and children. If you want to be someone people actually want to network with, you have to go that extra mile to show you actually care about who they are – not just what they can offer you.


Don’t be Forever Asking for Favors

Yes, the point of networking is to maintain those connections that may be able to help you somewhere in the future – but ask for those favors sparingly. Like the boy who called wolf, you don’t want to use up all your reserves before the day when you actually may need that extra help.


Do be a Valuable Person to Know

Networking is often just as much about what you have to offer others as it is about what they have to offer you. So be willing to extend that hand of support when you have the ability to do so. Keep those in your networking circle in mind when openings come up at your company, and offer to give them your vote of approval if you think it might actually help. Sometimes even more beneficial? Be open to introducing your connections to each other – because even if you can’t help, they will always remember if you introduced them to someone who could.


Don’t Come and Go Only When You Need a Leg Up

Plenty of people make the mistake of networking only when they are looking for a new job. Those you network with will see right through it if you only show up every few years, inquiring about leads. Good networking takes place even in those times when you technically don’t have anything to gain by the networking – consider it a long game, where you put in the time today in anticipation of how those connections may help you tomorrow.


Do Maintain Long Lasting Relationships

You never know when a casual contact could come in handy. Sure, that VP you met two years ago may work for a company you don’t have any interest in applying for now – but imagine if he or she were to transition to your dream company in the next year. How much would you be kicking yourself if you were to have let that relationship fade away? Network with people you enjoy being around, and maintain connections even with those who don’t seem like they have much to offer you today. Those long relationships may prove more beneficial than you ever would have imagined at some point down the line.


Five Reasons You Didn’t Get the Job

interview coaching

You found what seemed to be the perfect job. It was at the company you have dreamed of working for, a title that you were sure you were meant to hold, and offering a benefits package you were totally coveting. Everything this job was about, was what you have been looking for since the start of your career. So it really sucked to find out someone else got the gig. Look, rejection is brutal, no matter what form it comes in. But when you are literally sitting back and watching someone else sail away on your dream job, it hurts that much more. Which is exactly why it helps to figure out why you didn’t get the job this time – so that you can at least start making changes today that will hopefully give you a leg up the next time a perfect opportunity arises.

They Promoted From Within

More and more companies are starting to recognize the benefits of promoting from within, which is great if you already work for the company you see yourself still being at in 20 years. But if you are hoping to make a change, it can be a little harder to find your “in”. The good news is that if you were bypassed for an internal promotion, that isn’t really about you. There wasn’t much you could have done to change their minds – they likely had their candidate selected before ever posting the job. But the bad news is, if your sights really are set on this specific company – you may have to consider starting a few rungs down the ladder, getting your foot in the door and working your way up.

You Weren’t the Right Fit

Just because a job is your “dream job”, doesn’t mean you are the “dream candidate”. Companies tend to have very specific hiring criteria, and they make those criteria readily available to candidates. If you don’t possess the combination of experience and education they are looking for, you probably won’t get the job. Consider using that list as a starting point for improving upon your resume, though. Just because you weren’t the right fit this time, doesn’t mean you can’t position yourself to be next time.

The Background Check Hurt You

Is your Facebook page set to public, with pictures of you drinking, complaining about your job, and making less than PC remarks readily available for all to see? Did you lie on your resume about your education or work history? Do you have a long list of criminal infractions that are easy enough for anyone to find on the states criminal database? Sometimes, the background check really can hurt you. So lock your social media settings down, be cognizant of what you post, tell the truth on your resume and – address information up front that a recruiter is likely to find with a basic check.

You Blew Your Interview

Most people know when they screw up an interview, but if you’re the oblivious type – brushing up on your interview skills might be worth committing some time to. In general, you should always be researching the company and role before showing up for an interview. Arrive on time, don’t bash your previous job or boss and respond to questions in a confident and professional manner.

Another Candidate Had More to Offer You can’t win them all, and sometimes – there is just another candidate who has more to offer than you do. You may have had all the experience and education they were looking for, but someone else had more. Instead of taking that as a reason to pout and mourn the loss of your dream job, use it as motivation to continue improving upon what you have to offer. You may not have been the top candidate this time, but other opportunities will come around, and you want to be ready when they do!

Coming Out on Top with Salary Negotiations

pay riseIt happened. You put the time in, searched for the perfect job, went through all the interview rounds, and now – they’ve offered you the position. Congratulations! You made it!

Except, the fun has really only just begun. You see, so many people make the mistake of automatically leaping upon the first offer they receive. They are so excited to be getting the job at all, that they fear rocking the boat by requesting more. They don’t realize that most companies count on salary negotiations as being a part of the process – or that negotiating a higher salary actually puts them in a better position for the duration of their career. Because making more now, means larger increases in the future.

So, yes, you are allowed to negotiate. But doing it well? That’s another thing entirely.


Don’t Give the First Number

A lot of companies will try to get you to commit to a number you are willing to take long before you have even been offered the job. This is a standard negotiating procedure for them – if you give a number early on; they know the lowest amount you are willing to take. And they will likely offer at that point. So whenever possible, you want to avoid giving them that number. Leave that space blank on applications, and provide deflecting responses if the question comes up in interviews. For instance, you may want to tell them that you are willing to consider any reasonable offer if asked. This keeps you from giving an exact number, and puts them in the position of first determining what “reasonable” might be.


Know What You’re Worth

Before going into any salary negotiations, you want to take the time to research your value. Look up average salary ranges for similar positions in your area, and take into consideration your level of expertise and experience when deciding which end of that range you belong on. Compile the data and look up information about the company you are applying to, as well. A larger, more lucrative company is likely in the position to pay more for quality talent than a smaller mom and pop shop.


Present a Fair Counter-Offer

Never accept the first offer made to you. If the offer is presented verbally, ask for 24-hours to make a decision. And then come back with a reasonable counter-offer via e-mail, utilizing professional language and remaining thankful for the opportunity. Use your research to determine what your counter-offer should be, and to back up why you are asking for more than was originally offered. You also want to take into consideration what the original offer is. Generally, you don’t want to counter-offer for more than 15 percent of the original offer – remember that companies have a range they are able to pay, and it generally doesn’t exceed much higher than 15 percent of what they initially offer.


Don’t Oversell

One of the biggest mistakes people make in salary negotiations is trying to “play” the employer. They may make claims of having incredible offers from elsewhere, or try to overhype what they have to offer. The thing is, even if you do have a better offer from elsewhere – it is naïve to think an employer doesn’t have a backup or two in their pile of resumes as well. And no employer wants to feel as though they are fighting for your interest. They want employees who actually want to work with them; who actually want this job. So don’t oversell it. Stick to facts and statistics in making your counteroffer, and show gratitude for the opportunity throughout. Employers are absolutely willing to negotiate, but only for those who continue to prove they would be valuable employees; which means those who are willing to negotiate in respectable and reasonable terms.